Tenuta Sant'Apollonia

A game of

Art Direction

It’s the superior quality of their products that differentiates Tenuta Sant'Apollonia from all other oil producers. Certified organic and organic D.O.P., the exclusively two products of the company are the outcome of the love, passion and dedication of a small family-run agricultural company located on the hills of Verona.

April, 2021
Honorable Mention - Awwwards

Frantoio Cavalli asked Sentempo to play with the new and the old to set up an e-commerce site to expand its customer network. In the development of the new visual identity, it was necessary to show both souls of the company with its perfect balance between tradition and innovation.


We started with a realistic 3d render of the products encompassed in visual components such as knobby tree trunks, mossy rocks and a selection of flowers ascribable to the quintessential Veronese hilly countryside. The bottles of oil with their packaging are kept in balance by small, almost undetectable elements, the same balance that Sant'Apollonia oil brings in every dish to which the right oil is combined. The 3d render then became an integral part of an experimental website defined by harmony and modern elegance.


Direction, Branding, 3D Content,Web Design, Development

Better Brand